Mark your calendars for our first meeting of the new year. Rebecca Herold, CEO of The Privacy Professor consultancy; CEO of Privacy & Security Brainiacs, will be our guest speaker. Remember to register on Eventbrite for quick and easy access to the virtual meeting space.

Rebecca will present “Will Your Office Coffeemaker Bring Down Your Business? Preventing IoT Cybersecurity and Privacy Nightmares“.

New smart technologies are rapidly entering the consumer and business markets, creating new and exciting services, along with new challenges for cybersecurity and privacy professionals. For example, huge amounts of patient data are collected and stored within bio-med devices. Smart toys and digital personal assistants collect, analyze and share data that reveals more about those in associated homes than the home occupants even know about themselves. The smart grid is attaching homes with utilities, smart appliance vendors, PEV owners and others to gain insights into living experiences. Consumers are now walking cash registers, paying for goods by simply being in the vicinity of payment systems. Smart cars and streets transmit data about location, driving habits, and the individuals who are associated. Retailers track the movements of shoppers while digital billboards and mannequins interact with consumers. Drones are live-streaming images within the airspaces where they fly. Vast amounts of data are automatically uploaded to social media sites and cloud servers, where marketing, research and other types of organizations are gobbling it up to data crunch with other data sources to produce vast amounts of new insights into the lives of consumers, patients, along with potential terrorists and crime suspects. Add to this consideration that new smart devices are built to be ubiquitous and unnoticeable.

What are the associated security and privacy risks? Rebecca will offer attendees some cybersecurity and privacy considerations for whenever their organizations ponder the use of IoT devices, as well as when trying to figure out if IoT devices are already within their digital environment. She will also offer some key questions to ask about the use of IoT devices to understand the associated risks, and point to useful resources for identifying requirements for IoT device cybersecurity and privacy risk controls. 

Rebecca is founder (2004) and CEO of The Privacy Professor consultancy and CEO of the Privacy Security Brainiacs SaaS services business she founded in 2020 with her son Noah, with over 25 years of systems engineering, information security, privacy & compliance experience. Rebecca has authored 20 books, just finishing the 20th published by CRC Press titled, “Security & Privacy when Working from Home & Travelling.” She has also written dozens of book chapters and hundreds of articles, and has received numerous awards, including being a top 3 Cybersecurity & Privacy Woman Law Professional of 2020, and being named a top female fighting cybercrime in 2019. Rebecca has her own radio/podcast show, Data Security and Privacy with the Privacy Professor on Voice America. Rebecca also serves as an expert witness and has keynoted on 5 continents. Rebecca is a subject matter expert (SME) in the NIST Cybersecurity for IoT Program team, prior to that was a SME member of the NIST Privacy Framework team for 1 ½ years, and led the NIST Smart Grid privacy team for 8 years. Rebecca was Adjunct Professor for the Norwich University MSISA program for 9 years. Rebecca has earned 11 professional certifications (FIP, CDPSE, CISSP, CIPP/US, CIPT, CIPM, CISM, CISA, FLMI, Ponemon Institute Fellow). Rebecca has Masters and Bachelors degrees in Computer Science, Mathematics and Education, and lives in Des Moines, Iowa, USA.

For more information about Rebecca’s career see